City of Newport, OR logo

City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Committee Goals

City Council (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
90 Successfully complete the transition to a new City Manager. Ongoing Not Started Goal A-1 Successfully complete the transition to a new City Manager. 1 year
746 24-A-1(a) Familiarize new City Manager with Council, staff, advisory committees, and community stakeholders. Time: H/ Cost: L Not Started
747 24-A-1(b) Encourage participation by the City Manager with local management groups such as the Lincoln County Managers, Yaquina Bay Economic Foundation (YBEF), League of Oregon Cities (LOC), OCCMA and ICMA. Time: M/ Cost: M Not Started
748 24-A-1(c) Familiarize the City Manager with the City’s finances to prepare their first annual budget as Budget Officer for the City Budget Committee. Time: H/ Cost: L Not Started
91 Complete the implementation of an administrative manual for the City Ongoing Not Started Goal A-2 Complete the implementation of an administrative manual for the City. 1 year
749 24-A-2(a) Complete and implement an administrative manual. Time: M/ Cost: M Not Started
92 Recruit and hire department head positions focusing on a continued commitment to fostering diversity, equity and inclusion within City departments Ongoing Not Started Goal A-3 Recruit and hire department head positions focusing on a continued commitment to fostering diversity, equity and inclusion within City departments. 5+years
750 24-A-3(a) Complete the hiring process for the Police Chief and Fire Chief. Time: M/ Cost: M Not Started
751 24-A-3(b) Initiate a recruitment and hire a new Human Resources Director. Time: M/ Cost: M Not Started
93 Continue efforts to build a strong, healthy, and resilient workplace culture that attracts and keeps quality employees Ongoing Not Started Goal-A-4 Continue efforts to build a strong, healthy, and resilient workplace culture that attracts and keeps quality employees. (Vision Strategy A2) 1 year
752 24-A-4(a) Review and implement, where feasible, recommendations from the Employee Culture Strategic Plan. (Vision Strategy A2) Time: M / Cost: H Not Started
94 Address long term financial sustainability planning for the City of Newport Ongoing Not Started Goal-A-5 Address long term financial sustainability planning for the City of Newport. 2-5 years
753 24-A-5(a) Advocate for increased flexibility to utilize the tourism portion of the transient room tax to assist with road replacement and public safety services. Time: L / Cost: L Not Started
754 25-A-5(a) Review the Five-Year Financial Sustainability Plan in preparation for the 2026-2027 Preliminary Budget Committee Meeting. Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
755 25-A-5(b) Continue to review and implement recommendations in the Recreation Business Plan. Maximize use and reduce the subsidy necessary for this facility. Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
756 25-A-5(c) Identify financial resources to maintain City facilities, parks, and other buildings in accordance with the Facilities Master Plan that was conducted by Dude Solutions. Time: M / Cost: M Not Started
757 25-A-5(d) Develop sustainable funding to maintain and resurface/reconstruct the City street system. Time: M/ Cost: L Not Started
758 25-A-5(e) Proceed with a utility rate study to incorporate the necessary structure to support the City’s water sewer and storm utility systems, including major upgrades to the wastewater treatment plan and local funding necessary for Big Creek Dam. Time: M/ Cost: H Not Started
95 Continue the City’s efforts to be inclusive, diverse and an equitable organization Ongoing Not Started Goal-A-6 Continue the City’s efforts to be inclusive, diverse and an equitable organization (Vision Strategy F5) 5+ years
759 24-A-6 (a) Provide diversity, equity and inclusion training to all elected Councilors and appointed Committee members Time: M/ Cost: L Not Started
96 Review the structure of Boards and Advisory Committees to improve efficiency to support Committee efforts and maximize the value for citizens serving on these Committees Ongoing Not Started Goal-A-7 Review the structure of Boards and Advisory Committees to improve efficiency to support Committee efforts and maximize the value for citizens serving on these Committees (Vision Strategy F4) 1 year
760 24-A-7(a) Review the structure and number of Boards and Advisory Committees to assure that staff can provide sufficient support to maximize the engagement and benefit for Boards and Advisory Committees in advising Council and staff on the development of plans and policies. Time: M/ Cost: L Not Started
97 Revitalize the City Center and US 20 core areas of the City of Newport, including a variety of mixed uses Ongoing Not Started Goal B-1 Revitalize the City Center and US 20 core areas of the City of Newport, including a variety of mixed uses. (Vision Strategies A5, C3, C8, C9, C7) 5+ years
761 24-B-1(a) Identify strategies to enhance and improve the economic vitality of the City Center area as part of the plan development for City Center Revitalization that can be supported by direct investment of Urban Renewal resources. (Vision Strategies A5, C3, C7, C8, C9) Time: H/ Cost: H Not Started
762 24-B-1(b) As part of the City Center revitalization strategy, determine the preferred option for addressing mobility needs through City Center by either constructing a short couplet, or removing parking from US 101 and 9th Street to accommodate traffic, bicycle and pedestrian traffic through this critical part of the community. (Vision Strategies A5, C3, C9, A3, A10, A11) Time: M / Cost: H Not Started
763 24-B-1(c) Identify a public gathering location as part of the City Center revitalization plan. (Vision Strategy A5) Time: M / Cost: H Not Started
764 24-B-1(d) Determine a permanent location for the Newport Farmer’s Market as part of the City Center revitalization plan. (Vision Strategies A5, C15) Time: M / Cost: H Not Started
98 Implement recommendations of the parking plan. Ongoing Not Started Goal B-2 Implement recommendations of the parking plan. (Vision Strategies C1, C3, C8, C9) 2-5 years
765 25-B-2(a) Initiate discussions with Nye Beach businesses and residents regarding appropriate permit and timed parking solutions for the Nye Beach area. Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
99 Support business growth, development, and financial sustainability at the airport Ongoing Not Started Goal B-3 Support business growth, development, and financial sustainability at the airport. (Vision Strategy C4) 5+ years
766 24-B-3(a) Determine the local cost and feasibility of resuming commercial air service to support economic development in Newport, including NOAA and other business needs. (Vision Strategy C14) Time: M Cost: H Not Started
100 Develop opportunities for buildable lands and utilization of existing structures for creating new businesses and jobs. Ongoing Not Started Goal B-4 Develop opportunities for buildable lands and utilization of existing structures for creating new businesses and jobs. (Vision Strategy C9) 5+ years
767 24-B-4(a) Oversee a development agreement for the redevelopment of South Beach property owned by Urban Renewal. (Vision Strategies C5, C8, C9) Time: L / Cost: L Not Started
768 24-B-4(b) Proceed with the annexation of unincorporated properties that are islands within the incorporated city limits. (Vision Strategies C3, C8) Time: M / Cost: H Not Started
769 25-B-4(a) Seek state funding to update the City’s commercial/industrial buildable lands inventory. (Vision Strategy C3) Time: L / Cost: L Not Started
101 Increase supplies of affordable and workforce housing, including rentals for the community. Ongoing Not Started Goal B-5 Increase supplies of affordable and workforce housing, including rentals for the community. (Vision Strategy A2) 5+ years
770 24-B-5(a) Initiate implementation of the housing production strategy recommendations approved by Council to promote additional housing in the city. (Vision Strategy A2) Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
102 Establish a trolley to move visitors, employees, and residents between Nye Beach, the Bayfront and Downtown Ongoing Not Started Goal B-6 Establish a trolley to move visitors, employees, and residents between Nye Beach, the Bayfront and Downtown. (Vision Strategy A16) 2.5 years
771 25-B-6(a) Meet with Lincoln County Transit, Cascade West Council of Governments, ODOT and others to determine feasibility costs of operating a trolley or shuttle. (Vision Strategy A16) Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
103 Replace the Big Creek Dam. Ongoing Not Started Goal C-1 Replace the Big Creek Dam. (Vision Strategy E5) 5+years
772 24-C-1(a) Continue with design and permitting for the replacement of Big Creek Dam. (Vision Strategy E5) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
773 24-C-1(b) Continue efforts at identifying funding for dam replacement. (Vision Strategy E5) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
774 24-C-1(c) Pursue an appropriation for funding under the Water Resources Development Act authorization of $60 million for the City of Newport for Dam replacement. (Vision Strategy E5) Time: M / Cost: H Not Started
104 Acquire property in the Big Creek Reservoir watershed. Ongoing Not Started Goal C-2 Acquire property in the Big Creek Reservoir watershed. (Vision Strategy A1) 5+years
775 24-C-2(a) Contract for the development of a forest management plan utilizing grant funds that identify property acquisition needs for future funding opportunities for municipal forest management practices and identifies possible land for acquisition. (Vision Strategy A1) Time: L / Cost: L Not Started
105 Invest in upgrades to the City?s sanitary sewer collection system. Ongoing Not Started Goal C-3 Invest in upgrades to the City?s sanitary sewer collection system. (Vision Strategy A1) 5+ years
776 24-C-3(a) Proceed with the funding and design of the upgrade to the dechlorination project as identified in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan. (Vision Strategy A1) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
777 24-C-3(b) Proceed with the funding and design of the centrifuge system as identified in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan (Vision Strategy A1) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
778 25-C-3(a) Develop a plan to finance necessary improvements and capacity upgrades as identified in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan. (Vision Strategy A1) Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
779 25-C-3(b) Proceed with the design of the influent pump station upgrades as identified in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Plan (Vision Strategy A1) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
106 Complete design and construction for final projects for the South Beach Urban Renewal District. Ongoing Not Started Goal C-4 Complete design and construction for final projects for the South Beach Urban Renewal District. (Vision Strategies C3,C8) 2 to 5 years
780 24-C-4(a) Develop a plan between Engineering and Community Development to outsource various consultation projects outlined in the South Beach Refinement Plan through the close of the South Beach Urban Renewal District in 2027. (Vision Strategies C3, C8) Time: L / Cost: L Not Started
781 Objectives for 2025-2026 25-C-4(a) Bid all remaining projects for the South Beach Urban Renewal District by December 2025. (Vision Strategies C3,C8) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
107 Complete pedestrian safety amenities throughout the community. Ongoing Not Started Goal C-5 Complete pedestrian safety amenities throughout the community. (Vision Strategy A11) 5+ years
782 24-C-5(a) Initiate design and permitting of a pedestrian-activated, signaled crosswalk at US 101 and NE 60th Streets. (Vision Strategy A11) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
783 24-C-5(b) Proceed with a scope for improvements and award a contract for the Harney/US 20 safe routes to school project to be funded by ODOT and Urban Renewal. (Vision Strategy A11) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
784 25-C-5(a) Coordinate with FHWA, BLM and ODOT in getting the federally funded Lighthouse Drive to Oceanview Drive bike/pedestrian project into a formal agreement that includes public engagement, opportunities, and outlines when improvements will be designed and constructed. (Vision Strategy A11) Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
785 25-C-5(b) Complete discussions with ODOT on narrowing traffic lanes to build a pedestrian walkway on US 101 from 25th Street to 36th Street. (Vision Strategy A11) Time: M / Cost: M Not Started
108 Invest in the reconstruction and resurfacing of the City’s street system. Ongoing Not Started Goal C-6 Invest in the reconstruction and resurfacing of the City’s street system. Vision Strategy A10) 5+years
786 24-C-6 (a) Identify funding sources for improving the street system. (Vision A10) Time: M / Cost M Not Started
787 24-C-6(b) Develop a policy to guide the reconstruction of substandard streets (Vision A10) Time: M / Cost M Not Started
788 24-C-6(c) Initiate preliminary engineering to identify options for redesigning the intersection at US 101 and NE 58th Street. (Vision Strategy A10) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
789 25C-6(a) Resurface roads with available street funds (Vision Strategy A10) Time: H / Cost H Not Started
109 Implement conservation methods to reduce the use of water within the Greater Newport Area Ongoing Not Started Goal C-7 Implement conservation methods to reduce the use of water within the Greater Newport Area. (Vision Strategy B9) 2-5 years
790 24-C-7(a) Support the efforts of the Water Conservation Work Group to review methods to reduce drinking water use by residents, commercial and industrial businesses in the City of Newport. (Vision Strategy B9) Time: M / Cost: M Not Started
791 24-C-7(b) Utilize the Water Conservation Work Group to review existing ordinances and determine current provisions that would need to be amended to promote gray water diversion and rainwater storage. (Vision Strategy B1) Time: L / Cost: L Not Started
110 Invest in upgrades to the City’s water distribution and storage tank systems. Ongoing Not Started Goal C-8 Invest in upgrades to the City’s water distribution and storage tank systems. (Vision Strategy A1) 5+ years
792 24-C-8(a) Complete a Water Master Plan update for the City of Newport. (Vision Strategy A1) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
793 24-C-8(b) Pursue FEMA grant requests for the replacement of the main water storage tank, the 54th Street Booster Station and the underbay water main crossing. (Vision Strategy A1) Time: L / Cost: H Not Started
794 24-C-8(c) Complete the design for Golf Course Drive water system improvement, including street restoration. (Vision A1) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
111 Invest in upgrades to the City’s storm sewer collection system. Ongoing Not Started Goal C-9 Invest in upgrades to the City’s storm sewer collection system. (Vision Strategy A1) 5+ years
795 24-C-9(a) Seek funding, issue a request for proposals, and contract for updating the City’s Storm Water Master Plan. (Vision Strategy B4) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
112 Re-establish the position of school resource officer Ongoing Not Started Goal D-1 Re-establish the position of school resource officer (Vision Strategy E6) 1 year
796 24-D-1(a) Meet with the Lincoln County School District to reassess the role and proceed to fill this position once staffing permits. (Vision Strategy E6) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
113 Evaluate Fire Service needs for the community. Ongoing Not Started Goal D-2 Evaluate Fire Service needs for the community. (Vision Strategy E6) 2-5 years
798 24-D-2(a) Evaluate relocating the fire training facility from the North Side pump station to the airport. (Vision Strategy E6) Time: M / Cost: M Not Started
114 Continue with efforts to prepare residents for emergency preparedness. Ongoing Not Started Goal D-3 Continue with efforts to prepare residents for emergency preparedness. (Vision Strategy E5) 2-5 years
799 24-D-3(a) Renew Listos training. (Vision Strategy E5) Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
800 24-D-3(b) Encourage resumption of Citizen Emergency Response Training (CERT) in Newport. (Vision Strategy E5) Time: L / Cost: L Not Started
115 Continue efforts to improve City Emergency Planning. Ongoing Not Started Goal D-4 Continue efforts to improve City Emergency Planning. (Vision Strategy E5 ) I year
801 24-D-4(a) Update the City’s emergency plan. (Vision Strategy E5) Time: M / Cost: M Not Started
802 24-D-4(b) Continue with efforts for emergency planning for Big Creek Dam, including monitoring and warning systems. (Vision Strategy E5) Time: H / Cost: M Not Started
116 Utilize the Greater Newport Area Vision 2040 strategies as a foundational document for ongoing public processes, planning and decision making. Ongoing Not Started Goal E-1 Utilize the Greater Newport Area Vision 2040 strategies as a foundational document for ongoing public processes, planning and decision making. (Vision Strategy F2) 5+ years
803 Objectives for 2025-2026 25-E-1(a) Retain a consultant to conduct a five-year review and update of the Greater Newport Area Vision 2040. (Vision Strategy F2) Time: H / Cost: H Not Started
117 Increase involvement of marginalized communities and younger generations in community issues. Ongoing Not Started Goal E-2 Increase involvement of marginalized communities and younger generations in community issues. (Vision Strategy F9) 5+ years
804 Objectives for 2025-2026 25-E-2(a) Work collaboratively with students and marginalized communities to increase involvement in local government decision making. (Vision Strategy F9) Time: M / Cost: L Not Started
118 Implement recommendations from the Homelessness Task Force Ongoing Not Started Goal E-3 Implement recommendations from the Homelessness Task Force. (Vision Strategy E7) 2-5 years
805 24-E-3(a) Participate in the House Bill 4123 Advisory Board to develop a five-year strategic plan for addressing homelessness in Lincoln County, and work toward establishing a county-wide office on homelessness. (Vision Strategy E7) Time: L / Cost: L Not Started
806 24-E-3(b) Pursue efforts to create a permanent overnight shelter. (Vision Strategy E7) Time: M / Cost: H Not Started
807 Objectives for 2025-2026 25-E-3(a) Evaluate future installation of Portland Loos in key locations in the community. (Vision Strategy E7) Time: L / Cost: M Not Started
808 New Objective Not Started
119 Evaluate the implementation of a dark sky lighting plan for the City. Ongoing Not Started Goal E-4 Evaluate the implementation of a dark sky lighting plan for the City. (Vision Strategy B5) 2-5 years
809 Objectives for 2025-2026 25-E-4(a) Determine the feasibility of utilizing the energy savings through the use of LED fixtures and more efficient placement of outdoor lighting to help expedite implementation of the dark sky street lighting system for the City. (Vision Strategy B5) Time: M / Cost: M Not Started
810 New Objective Not Started