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City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Department Goals

Airport (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
2 Air service - Developing Rural Air service working with the State of Oregon Department of Aviation Current FY In Process 2018-19: City is working with Lincoln County and Port of Newport to asses long term funding options needed for sustainable rural air service. 2019-20: During the February 19, 2019, City Council meeting City Council approved moving forward with Boutique Air service to apply for grant founds from the State of Oregon ROAR grant. We have been working with Shawn Simpson, CEO and Brian Murphy COO of Boutique Air service building the grant. We have also been working closely with Oregon Department of Aviation staff during this process. Was not successful getting ROAR grant. ODA Board felt there was not enough done to address future funding. 2020-21: During the February 19, 2019, City Council meeting City Council approved moving forward with Boutique Air service to apply for grant founds from the State of Oregon ROAR grant. We have been working with Shawn Simpson, CEO and Brian Murphy COO of Boutique Air service building the grant. We have also been working closely with Oregon Department of Aviation staff during this process. Was not successful getting ROAR grant. ODA Board felt there was not enough done to address future funding. Working with airport committee on a DOT SCADSP grant. will need to have longer term funding in place for grant. 2021-22: Start work pre-planning work on DOT grant for air service. 2022-23: City is working with Lincoln County and Port of Newport to asses long term funding. 2023-24: City is meeting with the Port of Newport, Lincoln County, and Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County to prepare a survey to be sent out in the near future. 2024-25: EDALC sent out survey monkey for air service. Newport, Lincoln County, and the Port of Newport have been holding quarterly meetings. Next step is securing log term funding. A3 A8 A13 C4 C8 C9 C13 F4 
309 working with airport committee to identify long term funding for air service. In Process
3 Hangars - Explore ways of development of Hangars Ongoing In Process 2018-19: There have been several inquirers for potential building of box hangars at the airport. We cant issues permits for this until the fire flow issue is resolved. I have been keeping the potential hangar builders update on the fire flow progression. 2019-20: There have been several inquirers for potential building of box hangars at the airport. We cant issues permits for this until the fire flow issue is resolved. I have been keeping the potential hangar builders update on the fire flow progression. 2020-21: Working with two tenants that want to build new private hangar structures. leases have been approved. 2021-22: Working with two tenants that want to build new private hangar structures. leases have been approved. Five new hangars have been built with no more hangar spots to lease has identified on the Airport Layout Plan. 2022-23: Identifying areas for more hangar space. 2023-24: Precision Approach Engineering has a conceptual design for layout of more hangars on the north end, west of taxi way alpha. 2024-25: Airport to use Federal BIL Grant funding to build second set of T-hangars. Federal BIL funding has been approved over the next five years. PAE will be handling the design and construction. A1 A6 A13 A14 A16 C4 C9 
673 Precision Approach Engineering has a conceptual design for layout of more hangars on the north end, west of taxi way alpha. Further discussion is needed for plan. In Process
4 Marketing - Come up with marketing strategies to promote more aircraft flying to Newport Current FY In Process 2018-19: I have given a presentation to the destonation Newport Committee in 2017 and recived their feed back on marketing. I have given this information to the Airport Committee and we are still defining what specifics we want to market about the airport and the demographics of who to market too. Once this is resolved we will be moving forward with options to City Council to better market the airport. 2019-20: Newport Municipal Airport economic development flyer. 2020-21: Working with Alan Wells to market acres along highway 101 identified on the airport layout plan. Alan Wells leased out 10 acres of property outside the fence to MCWatkins. 2021-22: Marketing plan for airport should tie into rural air service. 2022-23: Marketing plan for airport should tie into rural air service2023-24: Working with Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County and Chamber to work on marketing plan for airport. 2024-25: Air service survey has gone out to citizens. C6 C14 
798 Providing rider ship numbers and if air service is needed for Newport. In Process
6 Maintenance - Maintaining the airfield to FAA grant assurance standards Ongoing In Process 2018-19: This is an ongoing goal for the airport. We are a NAPIS airport. Meaning we get Federal Funding from the FAA for Airport Improvement Projects(AIP). We are currently on AIP project 25 and with AIP grant founding comes federal required grant obligations. These projects are paid for by the FAA of 90% with a 10% local match. The projects are also slated by the FAA five years out. AIP founds can only be used for FAA projects on the airfield. 2019-20: This is an ongoing goal for the airport. We are a NAPIS airport. Meaning we get Federal Funding from the FAA for Airport Improvement Projects(AIP). We are currently on AIP project 25 and with AIP grant founding comes federal required grant obligations. These projects are paid for by the FAA of 90% with a 10% local match. The projects are also slated by the FAA five years out. AIP founds can only be used for FAA projects on the airfield. 2020-21: Project completion of Strom pipe rehab and fish passage mitigation. AIP 27 fish passages is completed. The storm pipe as a issues called Live Pipe" in that it is moving. Joints were sealed with grout for now. Weco seals are been looked at to maintain pipes flexibility. This will be a new AIP project in the future. 2021-22: Field repair and grading of safety areas off taxi way echo. FAA AIP projects are obstruction removal in runway protection zones, design of airport layout plan apron update. 2022-23:  FAA AIP projects are obstruction removal in runway protection zones, design of airport layout plan apron update. 2023-24: FAA EA is completed next step will be design and construction. 2024-25: FAA AIP 32 has been issued for design of obstruction removal. FAA AIP funding will need to provide $900,000 for construction phase to start. A1 C4 F6 
675 Construction portion of project will depend on FAA AIP funding. In Process
17 Business - Market areas inside and outside the fence for business park development Current FY Terminated 2018-19: We are working with the Airport Committee on a recommendation for marketing the airport. We can not make this recommendation until further research has been completed. 2019-20: Presentation by PAC for advertising ideas for AOA marketing. 2020-21: Commercial real estate agent 2021-22: Identify funding to extend sewer to airport. Potential of using Urban Renewal Dollars. other options that will be look at are package treatment plant or large air filed septic system. Working with community development for air field septic system. 2022-23: Working with community development for air field septic system. 2023-24: First parcel was leased to McWatkins LLC. Lincoln County Animal shelter changed locations. 2024-25: Lincoln County moved shelter to Waldport after local pilot brought concerns about placement at airport. A6 A13 A14 C3 C4 C8 C9 
799 Terminated