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City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Department Goals

Police (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
37 Maintain Accreditation Standards Ongoing Not Started E6 
853 Complete year 1 accreditation standards Not Started
38 Enhance Department diversity and community outreach Ongoing Not Started E6 
854 Work with Police Advisory Committee to conduct three community outreach events. Not Started
855 Continue to meet all legislative police reform measures. Not Started
864 Conduct one Latinx community event. Not Started
39 Conduct two pedestrian/vehicle safety events Current FY Not Started E6 
857 Publish media event detailing the pedestrian/vehicle safety operation. Not Started
858 Conduct 1 Spring and 1 Summer event dedicated to pedestrian safety. Not Started
859 Conduct 2 high visibility DUII enforcement operations. Not Started
860 Conduct 2 distracted driving enforcement operations. Not Started
40 Surpass the annual police certification requirements Ongoing Not Started E6 
861 Exceed the minimum requirement of 8 hours of use of force training annually. Not Started
862 Exceed the minimum requirement of 1 hours of ethics training annually. Not Started
863 Exceed the minimum requirement of 3 hours cultural diversity training annually. Not Started