City of Newport, OR logo

City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Department Goals

Parks and Recreation (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
43 New Goal Ongoing Not Started    
44 Set Recreation Division standards and continually review progress to address the divisions structural deficit Ongoing In Process B3 
801 Align of out-of-city fees with costs to help reduce the subsidies in the facilities and program service areas In Process
802 Realign Department accounting practices to better track aquatics revenues. Not Started
803 Develop a community survey to be repeated every two years to track trend information around marketing, customer satisfaction, operating hours, willingness to pay, etc. In Process
45 Focus on direct cost recovery at the recreation facility level Ongoing In Process B3 
804 Adopt a policy of cost recovery based on completion of the study In Process
805 Set Department fees based on cost recovery goals with discounts offered to Newport residents, prioritizing access for all community members regardless of household income In Process
806 Adopt changes to pricing strategy as highlighted in the business plan In Process
46 Deliver recreation programs, facilities, and promotion to Newports tourist market Ongoing In Process B3 
807 Partner with the Newport area Chamber of Commerce, Travel Oregon website and the Newport hotel and business community to present a focus on reaching the tourist community In Process
808 Expand on the current and successful hotel partnership with adding 3 new hotels/motels to feature the aquatic center as a hotel amenity Not Started
809 Develop or invest in 1-2 aquatic opportunities that provide a tangible tourist draw. Examples: birthday party spaces, a climbing wall, a new water slide, etc. In Process
47 Work toward a more efficient organizational structure for the Department Ongoing In Process B3 
810 Recruit, hire, and identify office space for a 0.74 FTE for the Administrative Assistant to support the Director, staff and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Position is budgeted. In Process
811 Enhance coordination of building attendants with work assignments to all Department facilities and not primarily the Recreation Center In Process
48 Address challenges related to recruitment and retention of part-time/casual labor Ongoing In Process B3 C3 
813 Consider a college intern program at a minimal cost to provide paid staffing positions and build a pipeline for filling future full-time vacancies In Process
50 Ensure affordable access to all community members Ongoing Not Started B3 
815 Update scholarship policy to provide maximum use, outreach, and opportunities for facility/family pass Not Started
816 Evaluate the Departments scholarship program and set policy that fees capture a minimum of 20% scholarship recipients Not Started
51 Develop a comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan Ongoing In Process F5 F7 
817 Consult with stakeholders and organizations for assistance and community engagement. Not Started
818 Evaluate existing programs and activities to ensure inclusivity. In Process
819 Complete management DEI training to develop and implement a DEI department action plan. In Process
820 Emphasis on DEI Community outreach for programs, facility rentals, etc. Partner with different advocacy groups (Latinx, LGBTQ+, low-income, etc) in Newport, assigning department liaison to meeting monthly In Process
52 Promote, utilize, implement a volunteer program in the Parks System Ongoing In Process B3 
821 Improve public outreach to identify volunteers and community groups to participate In Process
822 Complete 1 large volunteer park project in the current fiscal year. Not Started
823 Complete small volunteer work party events once a month (excluding the months of December, January, February) Completed
53 Continue to implement the current Park System Plan Ongoing Not Started B3 
824 Identify partnerships and funding sources for potential park projects. Not Started
825 Approve a community garden policy and a establish 1 new garden program Not Started
54 Complete the funded capital projects from FY 2023-2024 Ongoing In Process B3 
826 Agate Beach Neighborhood and Dog Park Rehabilitation In Process
827 Playground improvements at Agate Beach Neighborhood Park and Sam Moore Parkway In Process
828 Ocean to Bay Wayfinding and Educational Signage In Process
829 Agate Beach Staircase Terminus Improvements In Process
830 Build a Park Standards Manual Not Started
55 Continue to support and promote the Bee City and Tree City Program Ongoing Not Started B3 
831 Obtain a Tree City Growth Award every 2 years. Not Started
832 Establish 2 pollinator gardens in the park system Not Started