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City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Committee Goals

Library Board (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
6 Library Policy Development and Review Ongoing In Process 2022-23: The Library Advisory Committee has been reviewing 1-3 policies per meeting. We meet every other month for a total of 6 times a year. There are still more policies to review under an EDI lens. We expect to have reviewed all of the libraries policies in the next year. The Library Advisory Committee has been reviewing 1-3 policies per meeting. We meet every other month for a total of 6 times a year. There are still more policies to review under an EDI lens. We are making progress towards this goal and planning on having a board retreat to continue reviewing policies. 2023-24: The Library Advisory Committee has been reviewing 1-3 policies per meeting. We meet every other month for a total of 6 times a year. There are still more policies to review under an EDI lens. 2024-25: The Library Advisory Committee will continue reviewing 1-3 policies per meeting. We meet every other month for a total of 6 times a year. There are still more policies to review under an EDI lens. F1 F2 F3 F9 F10 F11 
422 Library Advisory Committee will review development of library policies and review existing library policies under an EDI lens. The board will continue to review 1-3 policies per meeting until all of the policies have been reviewed, and revised if necessary. In Process
7 Library Advisory Committee Yearly Planning Session and Board Retreat Ongoing In Process 2024-25: The Library Advisory Committee wants to hold another yearly planning session and board retreat in August of 2024. A13 A18 C3 C8 C9 D3 D4 D5 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 E4 E7 E8 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 
711 The Library Advisory Committee will have a yearly planning session and board retreat. In Process
9 The Newport Public Library Strategic Plan 2024-2029 Current FY In Process The Newport Public Library Strategic Plans planning process for 2024-2029 will begin in the spring of 2024 and will finish in early FY2024-2025. A13 A18 C3 C7 C8 C9 D2 D3 D4 D5 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 E4 E7 E8 E12 E13 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 
713 The Newport Public Library Advisory Committee will approve to begin the Newport Public Library Strategic Plan 2024-2029 planning process. Completed
714 The Newport Public Library Advisory Committee will select two board members to be representatives involved with the planning process. These two representatives will be part of the Stakeholder group. In Process
715 City Manager will approve the Library Director starting the planning process for the Newport Public Library Strategic Plan 2024-2029. Not Started
716 The Library Advisory Committee will participate and complete the paper or electronic library strategic plan survey, which will collect feedback. Not Started
717 The two library board representatives will be part of the Stakeholder group and will attend library strategic plan related meetings. The Stakeholder meeting will be attended by City leadership and a group of representatives from different segments of the community. The staff and stakeholder meetings will be facilitated by the Newport Public Library Director. General library operations, service area demographics, library standards and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) results, and the results of the community feedback survey will be shared with designated stakeholder group and library staff. Not Started
721 The Newport Public Library Advisory Committee reviews the Newport Public Library Strategic Plan 2024-2029 and approves. Not Started
722 Newport City Council approves the Newport Public Library Strategic Plan 2024-2029. Not Started