City of Newport, OR logo

City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Committee Goals

Discover Newport Committee (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
12 Invest in Digital Advertising Ongoing Not Started A13 
651 Track digital marketing analytics to improve the footprint of digital advertising through targeting software and geo-tagging Not Started
13 Promote Outdoor Advertising Ongoing Not Started
652 Consider the creation of an outdoor attraction in each district, potentially for photo opportunities for visitors like a painting of sea lions. Install at least one site in Nye Beach this fiscal year, for photos. Not Started
14 Increased Beautification Ongoing Not Started
653 Utilize committee resources to assist in beautification efforts for declining properties to promote tourism. Not Started
15 Increased Marketing of Offseason Events Ongoing Not Started
728 Target marketing efforts and dollars to promoting offseason events during the December, January, February periods. Not Started