City of Newport, OR logo

City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Vision 2040

Fostering Collaboration and Engagement ( 2024-25)

F1 (7)
Transparency and Communication
Encourage and support continued open communication, transparency, and accountability on the part of City leaders and staff.
F2 (5)
Vision as Foundational Document
Ensure Greater Newport's 2040 Vision serves as the foundation for ongoing public processes, planning, and decision-making.
F3 (5)
Vision-Focused Council and Community
Promote key elements of Greater Newport's 2040 Vision through the Newport City Council, City staff, Greater Newport Area partners, and Vision advocates who engage with community partners.
F4 (10)
Community Engagement
Develop new avenues for Greater Newport Area residents and businesses to engage and participate in the development of plans and policies, and to contribute to the decision-making process.
F5 (8)
Culturally Competent and Inclusive Outreach
Develop new forms of culturally competent outreach, such a Spanish-language publications and public service announcements, to reach out to and involve the entire community.
F6 (2)
Model Communities
Research the best practices of other communities that have been successful in implementing vision plans and strategic community objectives and learn from their successes.
F7 (9)
Collaboration and Partnerships
Sustain positive relationships and high levels of civic collaboration between public, private, faith-based, civic, neighborhood, and community-based organizations and the community at large.
F8 (4)
Community Forums
Develop community forums that bring people of different backgrounds and cultures together to discuss issues and share solutions.
F9 (6)
Youth Involvement
Work through the schools, Oregon Coast Community College, and Oregon State University to increase involvement of younger generations in current affairs and community issues, local government, volunteerism, long-range planning, and decision-making.
F10 (6)
Retiree Involvement
Encourage area retirees to become more active in civic life, contributing their skills, time, energy, and resources to address community needs, mentor young people, and promote their own health and engagement.
F11 (4)
Cultivate the community's spirit of collaboration and engagement to create meaningful opportunities for public involvement and volunteerism for all ages.