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City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Department Goals

Community Development (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
51 Establish a set of land use regulations and incentives to complement the Transportation System Plan update and facilitate revitalization of the US 101 / 20 corridors, including the City Center area. Ongoing Not Started 2020-21: Includes rework of zoning along the US 101/US 20 corridors to complement desired street improvements identified in the TSP. May include provisions to support additional density and mixed-use live work arrangements. Incentives to include development of an urban renewal funded building facade improvement program. Concept vetted with ODOT/DLCD staff, who indicated that project would be a good fit for TGM grant funding. Pre-app held in March but grant application was not filed due to pandemic related delays to the TSP update. 2021-22: Grant application to fund this work was submitted in June of 2021 and was approved in October. Scope of work is being developed for IGA and consulting contract. IGA to be presented to Council before the end of 2021. Consultant to be under contract by March of 2022. 2022-23: Consultant RFP prepared and issued. Process administered by ODOT. Responder proposals reviewed, scored, and preferred consultant team selected 11/30/22. Negotiating contract.2023-24: Awaiting funding IGA from ODOT. It has been in the states procurement process since fall of 2023. The scope of work developed by the consultant envisions an 18 month process. The schedule will need to be rebuilt as a result of the delay. While we might be able to shorten the timeline by a couple of months, it is likely that the project will extend into fall of 2025 assuming work can start the spring of 2024. Advisory committee will be finalized once the funding IGA is received. Project outcomes should be defined enough that they can inform FY 25-26 budget and goal setting. A3 A4 A5 A6 F4 
645 Develop draft updates to the Citys codes to support downtown redevelopment. Not Started
646 Create framework for an urban renewal funded business facade improvement program. Not Started
908 Utilize outcomes from City Center Revitalization plan to inform funding strategy, which will likely require state and federal dollars, and initiate targeted URA investments Not Started
53 Implement Parking Study recommendations adopted by the City Council. 2-5 Years Not Started 2021-22: City is recruiting to empanel the Parking advisory Committee. Applications due by 11/30/21. City Council to interview candidates and make appointments in December. Committee will assist staff with Bayfront meter roll out as initial project. Non-meter options for Nye Beach will also be evaluated.2022-23: Advisory Committee has been recruited. RFP issued mid-November and closed January 12th. Committee reviewed five proposals and is scheduling interviews with the two finalists. New target for implementation is 6/1/23. Draft ordinance changes are being developed.2023-24: Implementation of a demand management solution along the Bayfront will be complete in February/March of 2024. Conversation in fall of 2024 will turn to Nye Beach and parking permit and other "non-meter" options for managing parking in the neighborhood, with an eye toward implementing summer 2025.2024-25: Engage Nye Beach businesses and residents to develop a permit parking program and other "non-meter" options for managing parking in the neighborhood. Implementation to utilize e-permitting and LPR enforcement system the City stood up for the Bayfront. Approach will target implementation in summer 2025. Bayfront program to be monitored and adjusted if needed. A14 C1 C8 
262 Initiate refinements to the Historic Nye Beach Design Review Overlay, as needed. Not Started
430 Initiate discussions with Nye Beach businesses on alternatives for managing parking in a sustainable manner. Not Started
910 Assess success of Bayfront program following 2024 summer season and adjust, as needed. Not Started
54 Facilitate Provision of Additional Housing Opportunities within the City Ongoing In Process 2020-21: Committee formed to assist staff and policymakers with developing a framework for distribution of affordable housing CET funds. That work should be complete spring/summer of 2021. HB 2001 amendments are in draft form and will be adopted by the end of FY 20/21 as required by state law.2021-22: Skinny street standards and adjustments to City exaction requirements are being developed as part of the TSP update with adoption anticipated in February/March of 2022. 2022-23: Skinny street standards adopted into the Municipal Code with TSP amendments. Exaction requirements reduced proportionally. Work on a shelter site is ongoing.2023-24: Housing Production Strategy was completed and we have begun to implement its recommendations. Council will have an opportunity to act upon a package of code changes to remove barriers to housing development before the end of FY 23/24. Ditto for adjusting Affordable Housing CET allocations to support market rate multi-family development. Legislative mandates form the 2023 session have been implemented and the County established an emergency shelter in the City Center area.2024-25: Housing Production Strategy implementation measures for FY 24/25 will include securing funding to assess the viability of a rental housing maintenance code. Adjustments will also need to be made to the Citys SDC Methodology with the update to the Citys Wastewater Master Plan and legislation in the 2024 short session that will allow deferral of SDC payments so they can be rolled into a projects permanent financing (with the State backing cities up if payments are delinquent). A2 A6 A7 
775 Implement recommendations from the Housing Production Strategy In Process
776 Support HB 4123 committee work and development of a 5-year strategic plan to improve regional capacity to serve homeless individuals. In Process
911 Initiate updates to the Citys SDC Methodology to account for projects in the new Wastewater Master Plan and to allow deferral of SDC payments, if state program is stood up coming out of the 2024 legislative session. Not Started
57 Partner with DOGAMI and DLCD on Tsunami Resiliency Initiatives Ongoing Not Started 2020-21: Tsunami Hazard Overlay adopted with Ord #2166. City was originally going to match funding with DLCD for beach access resiliency assessment. City funding had to be pulled due to budget reductions. DLCD was able to fully fund with City providing technical support. Scope of work prepared and consultant hired. Assessment work started 2/21.2021-22: Beach access assessment has been completed.2022-23: Have yet to identify a suitable funding opportunity. Assisting DOGAMI on a project evaluating the efficacy of tsunami vertical evacuation in high priority coastal communities.2023-24: Continue to pursue grant funding for improvements of this nature. 2024-25: Coordinate with DOGAMI to update resiliency plans and pursue funding for capital projects that will enhance community resiliency. A13 E5 F4 
647 Pursue grant funding to implement beach access resiliency recommendations. Not Started
60 Assist BLM and FHWA on Lighthouse Drive Transportation Study Ongoing Not Started 2021-22: Project has been initiate by BLM/FHWA. Study is assessing potential access improvements to Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area, with an emphasis on bike/pedestrian enhancements. Work expected to extend through the fiscal year, positioning City for Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) grant application in 2022-23 to pay for needed improvements. Viable source of funding for Lighthouse Drive bike/ped improvements, upgrades to Lighthouse Drive and US 101 intersection, trail connections to Agate Beach and the wayside, and a portion of a Lighthouse to Lighthouse trail connection. FLAP grant was submitted earlier than anticipated, in October of 2021, while study is ongoing. If approved, funding will be available in FY 24-25. 2022-23: Study completed and adopted into Newport Comprehensive Plan (Ord #2204) 11/7/22. Notified that $5.9 million in FLAP funds awarded for project. Awaiting funding agreement from FHWA.2023-24: City received notice that FHWA selected the project for funding, and is now awaiting appropriation and development of a project agreement to set timing for design. FHWA has advised that they intend to start project design in fiscal year 2026 with construction in fiscal year 2028.2024-25: City received notice that FHWA selected the project for funding, and is now awaiting appropriation and development of a project agreement to set timing for design. FHWA has advised that they intend to start project design in fiscal year 2026 with construction in fiscal year 2028. A10 A11 B2 F4 
651 Coordinate with BLM/FHWA on project refinement of Lighthouse to Lighthouse trail connection if FLAP funds are awarded (2024/25 federal funding cycle). Not Started
777 Initiate community conversation about project design. Not Started
913 Assess right-of-way needs and options along Lighthouse to Lighthouse trail alignment to inform FHWA design, which is planned to start in 2026. Not Started
61 Facilitate Acquisition of Additional Land in Big Creek Watershed Ongoing Not Started 2021-22: City Council has expressed an interest in acquiring additional land within the Big Creek watershed to secure the Citys water supply. Seed money will come from the sale of an easement to Central Lincoln PUD for a new high-voltage line over the city reservoirs. The high-voltage line will provide a redundant power feed to the City, improving resiliency. The easement conveyance has been completed. City is pursuing an OWEB grant to complete a forest management plan within the Big Creek Watershed. An initial application received a "do fund" recommendation from OWEB staff however, they lacked resources to fund all of the applications. A second grant application was submitted in November. If it is approved, the funding will be available in April. Developing a forest management plan is often a first step toward acquiring property. The OWEB application was submitted in partnership with Oregon Coast Community Forest Association (OCCFA), Sustainable Northwest, Hancock Forest Management, and others.2022-23: City fully funded the project and work is to begin spring of 2023.2023-24: At its October 16, 2023 the City accepted a $30,000 grant from the Oregon Health Authority to updated the City of Newport Drinking Water Protection Plan. This will begin to identify the City’s acquisition needs. Public Works is pursuing a $50,000 grant from the Oregon Health Authority Source Water Protection Fund to prepare a Forest Management Plan. At this time, $65,000 is budgeted for a Big Creek Watershed Forest Resource Assessment (Activity #21047). If Public Works is successful in securing the Health Authority grant, then a portion of the budgeted funds could be repurposed for other General Fund priorities.2024-25: Support Public Works in its efforts to implement grant(s) from the Oregon Health Authority to complete a Big Creek Watershed Forest Assessment and initiate any recommended land acquisitions. A13 B1 B6 
456 Contact ownership interests within the watershed to ascertain interest in participating in land sales and/or exchanges. Not Started
457 Consult with OCCFA and Sustainable Northwest and prepare application to secure USDA, OWEB or other grant funds to supplement city resources for land acquisition. Not Started
652 Initiate Big Creek Watershed Forest Assessment if OWEB grant application is approved (April 2022 award timeframe). Not Started
62 Yaquina Bay Estuary Management Plan Update Ongoing In Process 2021-22: DLCD funded project with $220,000 NOAA grant. Estuary Management Plan governs in-water development and natural resource mitigation and enhancement activities within the bay. City staff to serve a support role, serving on a steering committee, and providing contract6or with background information to inform development of the plan. Once the plan is adopted, City would update its estuary management regulations (last amended in the 1980s). Effort could simplify in-water permitting processes, and will help shoreland property owners better understand estuary resource preservation and enhancement objectives. Includes a climate adaptation element. Plan to be completed spring/summer of 2022. DLCD has hired a consultant and the taskforce has held an initial meeting.2022-23: Continuing to participate on taskforce and have provided policy making bodies with updates. Group is still working through a potential package of estuary plan amendments. DLCD secured new funding from NOAA for an Estuarine Resilience Action Plans for Lincoln and Lane Counties. The Lincoln County piece will build upon this work.2023-24: DLCD has completed the Yaquina Bay Estuary Management Plan and is preparing model code language for use by affected jurisdictions. 2024-25: Efforts to implement the Yaquina Bay Estuary Management Plans recommendations will begin in the spring of 2024 and the effort will likely extend into the fall. This may coincide with new floodplain standards the City will need to implement to comply with the FEMA ESA ruling. B6 C1 C5 F4 F7 
458 Participate on taskforce to update the plan, providing technical expertise and background data relevant to portions of the estuary within the city limits of Newport. Completed
459 Conduct work sessions with City policy-making bodies to keep them informed of the proposed amendments, and assist DLCD with public outreach. Completed
460 Initiate updates to the estuary management chapter of the Newport Comprehensive Plan and Corresponding chapter of the zoning ordinance. In Process
63 Update Newport Unsafe Building Codes Ongoing Not Started 2021-22: Sync nuisance and unsafe building code provisions in the Municipal Code to create streamlined and equitable process for abating dangerous buildings, including those damaged by landslides or other natural events. 2022-23: Work has not yet been started.2023-24: Will assess opportunities to resource this effort so that work can begin in FY 23/24.2024-25: Will assess opportunities to resource this effort so that work can begin in FY 24/25. E5 
461 Coordinate with Police Departments Code Enforcement staff and State Building Codes Division to develop draft amendments. Not Started
462 Conduct work sessions with policymakers to review amendments and update based upon feedback. Not Started
463 Initiate ordinance amendment process. Not Started
65 Implement Recommendations from US 101 Corridor Refinement Plan Ongoing In Process 2022-23: Council adopted code audit recommendations with Ordinance #2196, 11-7-22. Work on urban renewal projects is ongoing. Island annexation to proceed in spring.2023-24: Continue to position remaining urban renewal projects so that funding can be committed by the end of 2025. Island annexation process to extend into FY 23/24.2024-25: Continue to position remaining urban renewal projects so that funding can be committed by the end of 2025. Island annexation process to extend into FY 24/25. A1 A3 
659 Advance priority urban renewal projects. In Process
774 Complete annexation of unincorporated islands in South Beach. In Process