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City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Department Goals

Public Works (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
35 Zero Sanitary Sewer Overflows Throughout City Ongoing Not Started 2021-22: Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) were prevented this past year through rigorous cleaning of those areas in the collection system we know are Pron to plugging. The problem sewers are on a cleaning rotation to prevent SSOs. We had a few SSOs this last year due to sabotage and construction carelessness by others. These SSOs were minor in quantity of spillage and were all reported to DEQ.
577 Create public awareness program to teach people what is good and bad to put in our collections system. Not Started
638 Develop Sanitary Sewer Master Plan (both collection system and treatment facility) to guide short and long-term wastewater planning and project development. Update regularly (5-year cycle). Not Started
851 Northside Ground Improvements Not Started
852 Dechlorination system upgrade design Not Started
875 Update City�s Fats, Oils and Grease (F.O.G.) Program Not Started
876 Stormwater Testing � Microbial Source Tracing (MST) of high bacteria counts. Not Started
36 Provide Resilient Water Supply and Distribution to Residents Ongoing In Process
547 Design and build a replacement Dam on Big Creek. Not Started
548 Execute flushing of all City distribution piping In Process
549 Install resilient HDPE transmission main through City as seismic proof backbone of the Citys water system Not Started
551 Inspect underbay crossing Terminated
552 Construct redundant underbay crossing Not Started
639 Develop water system master plan and update on regular cycle (5-year) to guide short- and long-term planning and project development for the Citys water system. In Process
814 Development of a Forest Management Plan for Big Creek Watershed. Not Started
849 Temporary Clearwell design and build Not Started
900 Source Water Protection Plan In Process
37 Increase Public Works Operations Employment Ongoing In Process
554 Develop an effective plan to attract future employees. In Process
555 Review divisions of public works for areas overburdened with high overtime hours and expand public work force due to the aging system needing more and more maintenance. In Process
566 Create crossover training program for utility workers to be able to assist other divisions when others are short staffed or in case of emergency. In Process
38 Improve Public Works - Shops Workplace Environment Ongoing In Process
556 Create teambuilding plan for crews to learn to depend on each other and work together as a team. Not Started
558 Create new hire training process for specific in-house services and specific work that is required per each division. (e.g. equipment use, maintenance, cleaning, work place etiquette) Not Started
559 Implement a conflict resolution process where decisions can be made in a collaborative manner. In Process
560 Create safety and collaborative work incentive program Not Started
561 Create Culture of Wellness Incentive Program. This will increase heathy habits and improve employees personal and private lives. Not Started
43 City Facility Resiliency Ongoing Not Started
579 Seismic resiliency of all City buildings Not Started
580 Facility services integration into the CMMS program Not Started
643 Establish and maintain an overall master planning approach to infrastructure systems (water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, roads) and maintain current (5-years or newer) plans to guide the Citys capital improvement processes. Not Started
46 PW Administration Ongoing Not Started
865 Create SOPs for PW Administration and Operations. Not Started
866 Collaborate all Safety training and documentation for PW with HR. Not Started
867 Work with Finance and CMO to develop checks and balances for verifying data from water meters to ensure accuracy for billing. Not Started
877 Assist with creating and implementing an online evaluation system. Not Started