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City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Department Goals

Fire (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
22 Obtain new pumper Ongoing Not Started 2020-21: This goal was put on hold due to funding cuts.2021-22: We obtained an updated quote from Hughes Apparatus. The price is $553,000. We have budgeted $560,000 for purchase and outfitting. After talking with City Manager we agreed to table the purchase till FY-22/23 and ask for additional funds to complete the purchase.2022-23: A purchase agreement was signed in July 2022. Our order has been processed and we have been put in the que for construction. Delivery date is estimated at some time in the spring of 2025. We will be meeting with our vendor to complete the specifications of the engine. 2023-24: The pumper was ordered in July of 2022. We have a signed purchase agreement and are in the que for construction. This begins in August of 2024 and will take 6-9 months to complete. We are holding our pre-construction meetings in April 2024. E6 
149 Place new apparatus into service and surplus old unit Not Started
622 Consider adopting a standard pumper spec consistent with neighboring agencies. Not Started
711 complete pre-construction process ensuring the project stays within budget and meets operational needs. Not Started
27 Implement facility improvements to improve Department operations. Ongoing In Process 2023-24: The joint use Agate Beach Fire Station is planned to break ground in June 2024. The planning process is almost complete and we expect to plans to be submitted in the next 2-3 months. We were able to get a preliminary estimate for a remodel of the upstairs of the Main Fire Station. We now how have to plan how to fund these improvements. We have began to plan for moving the training facility to the South Beach Station. We set aside $100,000 toward this goal. This next fiscal year we need to obtain preliminary design and cost estimates. E6 
715 Ensure the Agate Beach Fire Station/ODF joint facility project continues to move forward effeciently and in a cost-effective manner. In Process
716 Plan and initiate Main Fire Station remodel project by June of 2024. In Process
717 Initiate planning process for relocating the Fire Training Facility to the South Beach Fire Station. In Process
28 Provide a smooth transition to a new Fire Chief Ongoing In Process Chief Murphy will be retiring in June of 2024. Additionally, the City Manager is also retiring in July 2024. Establishing a smooth transition to new leadership for the Fire Department will be critical for maintaining the advances the Department has enjoyed over the past 2 years.
838 Establish a transition plan for the Fire Department that will be implemented and communicated to Department members by June of 2024. In Process
839 Hire an interim or permanent Fire Chief by June 2024. Not Started
840 Explore collaboration opportunities with Depoe Bay Fire District and other neighboring agencies. In Process