City of Newport, OR logo

City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Vision 2040

Learning, Exploring, and Creating New Horizons ( 2024-25)

D1 (0)
Funding for Schools
Develop creative, diverse, and alternative sources of funding for educational facilities, classes, programs, and extracurricular activities in the Greater Newport Area schools, including consideration for pre-K and early childhood education.
D2 (3)
Vocational Technology and STEM Programs
Expand vocational tech and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, including K-12, OCCC, and OSU, and offering classes, training, and certification for marine sector and other jobs.
D3 (3)
Art in Public Spaces
Integrate the arts as a key element of the city's identity, including expanding the presence of public art throughout the community.
D4 (3)
Expanded and Upgraded Arts Footprint
Invest in improvements to performing and visual arts venues, including the Performing Arts Center and Visual Arts Center, to increase their capacity to accommodate arts and cultural events.
D5 (2)
Summer Arts Offerings
Expand outdoor summer arts events and offerings, such as music and theater.
D6 (2)
Schools and Local Talent
Promote increased partnerships between schools and local talent, including scientists, artists, craftspeople, and tradespeople who share their knowledge with area classes and students.
D7 (0)
Teacher and Administrator Diversity
Increase the diversity of teachers and administrators to be more representative of student demographics.
D8 (5)
Bilingual and Cross-Cultural Education
Establish comprehensive bilingual and cross-cultural educational programs throughout the community, including English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) instruction, to promote better integration and improved achievement of residents of all ages.
D9 (4)
Expanded and Integrated Higher Education
Support Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC) in gaining accreditation and expanding its offerings, including workforce education and the trades.
D10 (5)
Education Partnerships
Encourage K-12, community college, professional, and noncredit education partnerships that promote pathways to marine educational programs at Oregon State University (OSU)'s Newport campus.
D11 (3)
School-to-Work Programs
Work with local schools, OCCC, OSU, and employers to develop a school-to-work program for students, training and certifying them to fill the needs of local employers and the job market.
D12 (5)
Access to the Arts
Increase the availability of, and access to, lower cost arts venues and performances while supporting new, innovative opportunities, including workshops, film, and student work.