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City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Committee Goals

60+ Advisory Committee (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
1 Partnering with Samaritan Health Services and Department of Public Health to promote electronic health inquiry and provide information to patients about local evidenced based programs. Ongoing In Process 2022-23: Partnering with Samaritan Health Services, National Recreation and Parks Assoc, Oregon Recreation and Parks Assoc, and OSU Extension Services to promote electronic health inquiry and provide information to patients about local evidenced based programs. E1 E4 
591 Review registration/referral process. Terminated
592 Explore feasibility of reciprocal agreement in Unite Us contract. Terminated
672 1. Add one more additional evidenced based program to what is being offered. In Process
673 2. Identify organizations to partner with to offer evidenced-based programs. Not Started
674 #3. Deliver presentation to provide to other organizations about lessons learned from Samaritan/NRPA/CCC/ 60+ partnership. Not Started
675 #4. Design simplified registration process. Not Started
676 #5. Establish Medicaid reimbursement for Falls Prevention EBIs. Explore reimbursement for DPP, Explore Medicare reimbursement. Not Started
5 Seek out opportunities to increase diversity, equity and inclusion for the 60+ community Ongoing Not Started F5 
327 Develop a strategy to identify bilingual/multicultural volunteers. Not Started
329 Identify outreach strategies to underserved community members, including low income families, the homeless and indigenous tribes. Not Started
677 Create collateral material in both English and Spanish. Not Started
678 Create a welcome packet, highlighting the City of Newport 60+ Activity Center, Recreation Center and the Aquatic Center. Not Started
27 Improve community engagement to users of the facility Ongoing Not Started F10 
593 Create an automated process for renewing memberships. Not Started
594 Explore possibilities of a system to provide real time feedback on activities and events. Not Started
29 Ensure the 60+ Activity Center policies and procedures goals are current and complete. Ongoing Not Started
679 #1 Identify workgroup members. Not Started
680 #2 Review all current 60+ Activity Center policies and procedures. Not Started
681 New Objective Not Started
682 New Objective Not Started
30 Greeter Program Ongoing Not Started
683 #1 Welcome everyone regardless of abilities, self-identification, primary language, and income level. Not Started
684 #2 Sign-up volunteers for the greeter opportunities. Not Started
685 New Objective Not Started
686 #4 Provide information session for the Greeter Program on a quarterly basis. Not Started