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City of Newport, OR

Strategic Goals & Objectives

Newport Vision 2040 logo

Committee Goals

Airport (2024-25)
Goal# Goal Title Goal Type Goal Progress Goal Text Status Updates V2040 Strategies Objectives  
16 Air service Development for Rural Air service for Newport. Ongoing In Process 2023-24: Air service Survey was sent out by EDALC. Airport Director provided presentation to YBEF members on air service. 2024-25: EDALC is tabulating the results of the air service survey.
662 City Administration held several meetings with the Port of Newport, Lincoln County, and Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County to discuss air services challenges. The biggest hurdle to get over is putting long term funding in place. Without a long-term funding plan in place to help subsidize service rural air careers will not be successful for the long term. In Process
17 Explore building more hangars. Ongoing In Process 2023-24: Airport will be using FAA BIL funding to build 10 new T-hangars. 2024-25: Waiting for grant agreement from FAA using AIP BIL funding for design phase of T-hangars.
667 Currently one space is left to lease on the airport for land lease. This area is south of the T-hangars and is ready to take another T-hangar development. City Administration has been in talks with a private developer, but does not have a commercial land lease for inside the fence. Administration is working on developing a land lease for commercial developers wanting to build commercial hangars in the future. Airport staff is working with engineers for best lay out of hangars on the north end. More Hangars will bring more revenue for airfield and tax income for Lincoln County. In Process
21 Develop a commercial lease for the Airport Operations Ares (AOA). Ongoing In Process Develop a commercial lease for the Airport Operations Ares (AOA). 2024-25: Identify areas for businesses to build and/or operate on the airfield. Identify requirements, work with community development, to determine aviation businesses allowed and permit requirements in the AOA. Fire approval requirement for commercial business. Objective looking to assign a leasing agent once the other items are established by the end of Fiscal year 24/25.
729 New Object Identify areas for businesses to build and/or operate on the airfield. Identify requirements, work with community development, to determine aviation businesses allowed and permit requirements in the AOA. Fire approval requirement for commercial business. Objective looking to assign a leasing agent once the other items are established by the end of Fiscal year 24/25. In Process
22 Solar Farm Grant funding. Ongoing In Process To obtain grant funding for solar energy for airport by 2025. Unless feasibility study says otherwise 2024-25: HMMH completed the Solar Farm feasibility study.
730 Present HMMH findings to Airport Committee and City Council. In Process
23 Automobile parking plan. Ongoing Not Started Identify where potential level 2 charging posts might be located. Identify grants to facilitate the installation of electrical power charging stations. Identify future parking area. All within a year, City initiated. 2024-25: Identify where potential level 2 charging posts might be located. Identify grants to facilitate the installation of electrical power charging stations. Identify future parking area. All within a year, City initiated.
731 Identify where potential level 2 charging posts might be located. Identify grants to facilitate the installation of electrical power charging stations. Identify future parking area. All within a year, City initiated. Not Started
24 Partner with Federal, State, and Local agencies for emergency preparedness operations at airport. Ongoing In Process Identify parties, Federal, State, and Local. Responsibility and contact information. Update the Emergency Plan for the airport. By September 2024. Obtain funding from FEMA for large EOP building. 2024-25: Identify parties, Federal, State, and Local. Responsibility and contact information. Update the Emergency Plan for the airport. By September 2024. Obtain funding from FEMA for large EOP building.
732 Identify parties, Federal, State, and Local. Responsibility and contact information. Update the Emergency Plan for the airport. By September 2024. Obtain funding from FEMA for large EOP building. In Process
25 Identify the benefits airport provides to private and public. Ongoing In Process Airport is a benefit for the people of Newport. Rents and leases provide offset in operational cost for the city. General benefits of airport to local community. General benefits to leases, aviation users/business aspect. Breakdown of airport funding from city general fund and airport users. 2024-25: Airport is a benefit for the people of Newport. Rents and leases provide offset in operational cost for the city. General benefits of airport to local community. General benefits to leases, aviation users/business aspect. Breakdown of airport funding from city general fund and airport users.
733 Airport is a benefit for the people of Newport. Rents and leases provide offset in operational cost for the city. General benefits of airport to local community. General benefits to leases, aviation users/business aspect. Breakdown of airport funding from city general fund and airport users. In Process
26 Establish Information package about the airport Ongoing Not Started Develop brochure to hand to citizens about the benefit of the airport. By May 2024. Identify a public event at the airport. 2024-25: Develop brochure to hand to citizens about the benefit of the airport. By May 2024. Identify a public event at the airport.
734 Develop brochure to hand to citizens about the benefit of the airport. By May 2024. Identify a public event at the airport. Not Started
27 Complete trail from Airport to SW 40th street Ongoing Not Started Work with Community Development identify property need, easements, and rights of ways 2024-25: Work with Community Development identify property need, easements, and rights of ways
735 Work with Community Development identify property need, easements, and rights of ways Not Started